One Monkey Jumping
A blog about the world's happiest monkey.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Getting Ready For Santa

Like everyone else, we have been getting ready for Christmas here and Tristan seems to really enjoy all the holiday stuff. I'm pretty sure he has the words for Christmas and Santa confused though, as everything is "Santa!" Lights, the tree, snowmen, Santa, everything. "Santa!"

Last night we took him to Storybook Island, which was decorated with more lights that you would believe possible. He ooohed and aaahed appropriately and was having a great time. At the end of the park was the jolly old man himself. We had to wait in line forever, but it was totally worth it. This was definately the way to meet Santa, instead of walking through a shopping mall to get to him. Tristan was not scared of him but wasn't so sure he needed to be happy about it either. Just wait til he figures out that Santa brings TOYS. Then he'll be happy to see him!
posted by Lisa @ 6:31 AM   0 comments

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