One Monkey Jumping
A blog about the world's happiest monkey.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Ten Months and a new update
Tristan is ten and a half months old. He has 8 teeth now, four on top, four on bottom. He's growing so fast and learning and doing new things all the time. He's a big fan of pointing, putting round pegs in square holes (or not), harassing the dog, carefully putting things "away" (unfortunately "away" often means under the couch), and other fun baby stuff. He crawls a mile a minute, he stands up against anything. He yells "MA" or "DA" when he needs attention, but no sweet snuggly "mama"s. It's getting increasingly hard to take his weekly picture as he's too busy to sit there and let me take a picture. He's had a tough time with balance lately, and wears the bruises to prove it. He's a big fan of the Olympics.

He likes to put things on his head.

We are getting ready for his second trip to Alabama. We're going down for his first birthday where I'm sure his grandma will spoil him rotten.

More pictures at
posted by Lisa @ 8:52 AM   0 comments

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