One Monkey Jumping
A blog about the world's happiest monkey.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Boat boy

For Father's Day the three of us drove out the Pierre, to see Mark and the boat. Tristan had never been on a boat before, but we were sure he would love it. He loves the Jeep with the sides off, and he loves the water, so this was just a combination of the two. Well, first the water was too cold to consider getting into, and the boat was a bad combination of going fast (fun) and not being restrained (not so fun for the adults). All he wanted was to walk around, lean over the edge, check things out. In retrospect, perhaps we should have introduced him to the boat on dry land.

For more fun, including a trip down a waterslide, check out
posted by Lisa @ 5:15 AM  
  • At 6/19/2006 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A natural born boat driver. It's in his blood. He looks like he's enjoying the boat trip more than anyone else. He's a cutie!!

  • At 6/20/2006 8:27 AM, Blogger NandL said…

    Look at all that hair! DJ will be one tomorrow. Remember when we were seventh graders. Boy does time fly!!

  • At 7/04/2006 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great pictures! Brady enjoyed the photo's also and was wondering when Tristan can come over and play?!

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